How to avoid mutilating yourself in pursuit of beauty?

Home Cosmetology How to avoid mutilating yourself in pursuit of beauty? Here’s a lifehack

What to play outdoors: 7 ideas for any company

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1. Crocodile

The participants are divided into two teams. The first team calls the second player. A word is suggested to him, which he must show exclusively with the help of facial expressions and gestures, without saying anything. Teammates are trying to guess what he depicts.

A limited time is given for guessing, for example, a minute. Then everything is repeated with the player of the other team.

In a more complex version of «Crocodile», a phrase is guessed. For example, a quote from a famous song or a quatrain, a proverb, a saying, and so on.

2. Has

The game involves two teams, which must have the same number of players. Each participant writes 5–6 words on cards (small pieces of paper) (one word per piece). The cards are then put into a hat.

The first player draws a card from the hat and, on a signal, begins to explain to one of the players the word written on it. One-root and consonant words cannot be mentioned, metaphors, synonyms, abstract explanations can be used. The task of the second player is to express their versions and have time to guess the word in 20 or 30 seconds. If it worked out, the card remains with the team, if not, it is put back in the hat.

Then the players of the second team guess the word in the same way, and so on until the hat is empty. The team that has the most cards wins.

3. What does he do?

This is a kind of variation of the «Hat». Players are divided into teams. Each of them writes some action on a piece of paper, for example: change a diaper, flip pancakes, ride a Ferris wheel, pass an exam, dance in the fan zone at a rock concert, and so on.

The player pulls out the task and tries silently, only with gestures and facial expressions, to show this action to a teammate.

The rest of the rules are the same as in the «Hat»: the team with the most artistic and quick-witted players who have scored the most cards wins.

4. Contact

One of the players is designated as the leader. He thinks of a word — a common noun in the nominative case and singular — and calls its first letter. The rest of the players can ask the leader leading questions, meaning a specific word.

For example, the word «cow» is guessed. The player remembers the k-word and asks the facilitator, «Isn’t this a place that kids really like?» (carousel). If someone has guessed what is meant, he says: «Contact!» Both players count to ten and say the word in unison. If both called «carousel», the leader opens the second letter «o». If the second player made a mistake and said, for example, «boat», everyone thinks further.

The facilitator’s task is to understand as quickly as possible what word the player has thought of and name it, while the “contacting” participants count to ten (“No, this is not a carousel”). If he succeeds, the second letter does not open.

The game continues until someone guesses the hidden word. In this case, the winner becomes the leader.

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5. Answer in 5 seconds

The participants are divided into two teams. Each comes up with a musical task and calls the opponent’s player. For example: name three styles of rock; three heroes of musicals; three songs that are good to listen to in traffic; three associations with the word «radio» or «rhythm»; three musical professions; three items that are on stage during the performance, and so on. The player must have time to answer within five seconds.

Tasks can be changed: give out not musical, but, for example, sports, geographical, natural or even local history tasks.

6. Danetki

A game with very simple rules. The facilitator thinks of some situation and briefly describes it. For example: “A man jumped out of a plane, but survived. How did it happen?» Players can ask questions to which the facilitator can only answer «yes» or «no». For example:

Did he fall into the ocean?
— No.
Was he with a parachute?
— No.
— Was he rescued in the air by another paratrooper?
— No.
Was the person in a moving plane?
— No.
Was the plane on the ground?
— Yes.

7. Who am I?

Each player writes on a small piece of paper the name of a popular hero or the name of an item. After that, the sheets are mixed and distributed to all participants. They stick them on their foreheads without looking.

The players sit in a circle. Each of them can ask questions. For example: “Am I human?”, “Am I with huge legs?”, “Am I green?”. After the answer «no» is received, the right to ask questions passes to the next player in a clockwise direction.

It’s a knockout game: whoever guesses he’s a stool or Sherlock gets out of the circle. Everything continues until the only one left who cannot guess what the inscription on his forehead is.